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The light in one shot

Simone Olivari an adopted Florentine since 1991. From a young age he was captivated by the language of photography, starting by expressing himself in theaters and concerts taking pictures of world-famous artists. In 2017, to celebrate the centenary of the British Institute of Florence and the visit of the British Royal family, he was given the assignment that set the course of an artistic breakthrough of remarkable identity and uniqueness. His research, since then, focuses on perspectives and views from above, synthesizing an imaginative personal aesthetic to reconnect with the beauty of humanity. A new visual adventure which leads him to conceptually stop his works of art to last over time. His photography could be narrated by J.L Borges: "The night pleases us because it suppresses idle details, just as our memory does." ph.©Simone Olivari

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Florence  |  Tuscany

