The story of a dreamer
Entering the museum’s main hall, the Cavalcade Room, is a truly breathtaking experience. A parade of fully armored horses and knights and St. George killing the dragon, the symbol of Frederick Stibbert’s homeland, watching them from above. In this Anglo-Florentine villa on the hill of Montughi, Stibbert created a sort of nineteenth-century wunderkammer, filled to the brim with ancient weapons and armors, exotic objects, paintings and a wonderful collection of Japanese porcelain and objects. There is also the precious mantle worn by Napoleon on the day he was crowned King of Italy in Milan. Just imagine the expression on the face of those who saw Stibbert arriving at the inauguration of the façade of Santa Maria del Fiore wearing an English armor that dated back to the 1300s and is now kept in the museum! The villa is surrounded by a beautiful park. A magic place for children and adults alike.
Monday - Wednesday | 10.00 am - 2.00 pm, Friday - Sunday | 10.00 am - 6.00 pm. Closed Thursday, January 1st, Easter Sunday, May 1, August 15, December 25
Stibbert Museum
Via Federigo Stibbert, 26 | 50134 Firenze